Short Documentary Film
20 BAHT is a short documentary about invisible slavery in plain sight. The film is set on Bangkok’s Khaosan Road, a world-renowned strip of bars, clubs, and hostels known as the “center of the backpacking universe.” Western tourists flock to Khaosan for its famous nightlife. But at what cost? 20 BAHT tells the heartbreaking story of child trafficking that lies beneath the fun.
Writer/Director/Producer Rachel Kessler
Assistant Director Sally Mairs
Camera Ed Peerayot and Florian Witulski
Original Music by Daniel Schwartz and Rachel Kessler
Narration Recorded and Directed by Robert Kessler, Kessler Media Production, Katonah, NY
Production Assistant: Ying Panyapon
Audio Mastering Alex Reisdorf
Color Grading Frederick Trevino
Clair De Lune Performed by Emily Sorokin Kessler
Portions of “Night Own” by Broken For Free